新关注 > 信息聚合 > 想不到的第一名 外媒盘点最好玩的恐怖游戏

想不到的第一名 外媒盘点最好玩的恐怖游戏

Unexpected first foreign media inventory once the Halloween feast the fun of horror games

2015-11-02 16:22:53来源: 新浪

每年一度的万圣节刚刚过去,选择度过这一节日的方式有多种,比如说参加化妆舞会或Party,然而玩家也可以选择另外一种方式度过这一天,那就是玩恐怖题材的游戏。就在近日,国外游戏媒体对可以说是当前市面上最好玩的5款恐怖游戏进行了盘点,那么下面就让我们来了解一下,看看其中是否有所适合你的一款。 ...

every year just past, chose to spend this festival has a variety of, for example, to a costume party or party. However, players can also choose another way to spend the day, that is to play the game of the horror genre. Just recently, foreign game media can be said to be the most fun game on the market 5 of the inventory, then let us know, to see if there is a suitable for you. ...

标签: 游戏