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拒绝从众 《天下X天下》少数派觉醒活动

Day refused to join the crowd "the world x world" minority awakening

2015-10-09 11:35:17来源: 4399

终于要迎来网易天下系列3D幻想动作手游《天下X天下》(txx.163.com)再测的日子,官方已公布将于10月13日开启“天选者觉醒封测”。今日,游戏官方推出“少数派觉醒”专题活动,号召不从俗的“少数派”精英玩家预约参加封测体验,其态度及落地形式,均颇为新奇。 有态度的h5移动页 Ο...

finally ushered in the Netease world series of 3D fantasy moves in the travel the world x world "(txx.163.com) to be measured, the authorities have announced will be on October 13, open" the election days awakened beta. Today, the official game launched "minority awakening" thematic activity, the call is not banal "minority" elite players make an appointment to participate in the IC packaging and testing experience, the attitude and landing form are quite strange. H5 mobile page with the attitude of the production...