新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大圣西游今日19时开新服 降妖除魔仗剑江湖

大圣西游今日19时开新服 降妖除魔仗剑江湖

Mahatma journey today 19 open new service decline a demon in addition to the magic sword Lake

2015-09-02 09:52:39来源: 17173

大型3DMMO动作次世代PK网游《大圣西游》追随大圣的脚步,一路斩妖除魔,大量热情的西游粉、大圣粉涌入游戏,官方为回应广大玩家的热情,于今晚19:00追开新服“降妖除魔“。精彩纷呈的魔幻世界为你呈现,职业技能重新升级,新系统,新玩法,新挑战,新服活动就在新服等你来战! 【四大职业技能新...

large 3dmmo action next generation PK online games "Mahatma swims on the west" follow Mahatma's footsteps, a road cut demon slayer, a large number of enthusiastic West powder, Mahatma powder into the game, the official response to the enthusiasm of the majority of the players, to 00 tonight after open new service "demon Slayer". Wonderful world of magic for you, professional skills to upgrade, new systems, new gameplay, new challenges, new service activities in the new service, and so you come! [four new professional skills...