新关注 > 信息聚合 > Steam8月游戏销量突破6000万份 销量榜第一竟然是..

Steam8月游戏销量突破6000万份 销量榜第一竟然是..

Steam8 game sales exceeded 60000000 copies of the sales list first turned out to be..

2015-09-02 11:00:25来源: TechWeb

由于没有相提并论的竞争对手,STEAM的业界垄断之路可谓越走越长,据统计,2015年8月份,平台游戏销量达到惊人的6000万份,这是一个相当惊人的数字。 其中,得益于8月份的降价活动,《反恐精英:全球攻势》以15920443份位居第一,而紧随其后的便是黑马游戏《火箭联盟》,卖出5776...

due to no competitors, STEAM industry monopoly of the road can be described as more and more long, according to statistics, in August 2015, the platform game sales reached 60000000 copies, which is a pretty amazing number. Among them, thanks to the price cuts in August, the Anti Terror Elite: Global offensive to 15920443 in the first place, followed by the dark horse game, the Rockets alliance, sold 5776...

标签: 游戏 Steam