新关注 > 信息聚合 > 开放32位武者 《九阳神功》9月24日PC版首测

开放32位武者 《九阳神功》9月24日PC版首测

Open 32-bit martial "Nine Yang magic," September 24, the PC version of the first test

2015-09-02 10:06:18来源: 17173

蜗牛全平台3D武侠MOBA《九阳神功》将于9月24日正式登陆PC平台开启崇武首测!《九阳神功》PC首测将开放32名武者与3张地图,推出经脉系统、心法系统、皮肤系统以及裁判系统,第一武侠MOBA席卷PC平台,热血对战一触即发! 第一武侠MOBA首测在即 《九阳神功》首测武者阵容为32...

whole snail platform 3D martial arts MoBa "Jiuyang fascinating skills around" on September 24, officially landed on the PC platform to open the first Chongwu test! "Nine Yang magic," the PC first measurement will be open 32 Wu and three maps, the launch of the meridian system, heart, skin and referee system, the first martial arts MoBa swept the PC platform, blood war imminent! The first martial arts MOBA will soon be the first test "the first test" nine mans power warrior lineup for 32...

标签: PC