新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《醉逍遥》双端版本 全新日月星辰玩法

《醉逍遥》双端版本 全新日月星辰玩法

"Drunk" double end version of the new moon and stars play

2015-07-20 11:04:07来源: 17173

日月同辉!星辰闪耀!《醉逍遥》全新双端版本热力来袭,为了让玩家体验到最丰厚的游戏福利,本次公测新服特别开启“日月星辰,送绝版珍藏”的特色活动,活动期间道具奖励送送送,特效时装送送送,奖励丰厚,史无前例。次时代武侠新经典《醉逍遥》2015年首个大型新版武侠网游,现在等你来开战! 【日月星...

the sun and the moon together! Stars shine! The drunk free and unfettered, "a new double side version thermal struck, in order to allow players to experience the game the most generous welfare, the beta new service especially to open" the sun and the moon and the stars, send the print collection "special activities during the event bonus items send send, specific fashion to send send, rich rewards, unprecedented. Times new era of martial arts, drunk and free and unfettered, the first major new version of the martial arts online games, and now waiting for you to fight! Sun and moon...