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The Dragon Boat Festival "love dance OL" small holiday high!

2015-06-19 14:59:20来源: 游久网

【游久网6月19日消息】时尚音乐舞蹈手游《恋舞OL》喜迎端午小长假,丰富活动让你这个端午high不停!Q萌主题装扮,浪漫指尖舞蹈,一起来《恋舞OL》“夏日星语”过节吧! 《恋舞OL》活动迎端午 《恋舞OL》是一款男生女生都爱玩的多人在线3D休闲手游。游戏音乐震撼,舞步动感,瞬间让你...

[swim long Network News June 19] the forefront hand tour of music and dance the dance of love ol "celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival holiday. Rich activities make you the Dragon Boat high non-stop! Q theme adorable dress, romantic fingertips dance, a "love dance" OL "star summer feast"! "OL" love dance activities "love dance OL" welcome the Dragon Boat Festival is a boys and girls are playing a multiplayer online casual Mobile Games 3D. Game music shock, dance moves, instantly let you...