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The first official promotional film of RPG "bad king and the outstanding brave" in Japan

2021-02-25 16:48:57来源: 游戏时光

日本一放出了绘本风格 RPG 新作《坏国王与出色勇者》(わるい王様とりっぱな勇者)的首部正式宣传片,本作将于 6 月 24 日登陆 PS4/Switch 平台,普通版售价 6980 日元(约合 427 元)。 视频地址故事简介:过去的世界被强大的龙魔王统治。直到有一名青年勇者挺身而出,击败了魔王。不过勇者并没有杀死魔王,而是砍下了它的力量之源——龙角,之后便放它离开了。在那之后,勇者和孤独养伤的魔王经常一起聊天。在与勇者相处的过程中,魔王的性格发生了变化,他们成为了好朋友。有一天,受了重伤濒死的勇者抱着一名婴儿找到魔王,请求它将自己的孩子抚养成一名出色的勇者。于是,曾经的魔王将女孩抚养长大。女孩从王那听到自己父亲的冒险故事,也励志成为勇者。王觉得是时候了,它要把这个孩子培养成一名出色的勇者。即使有一天

Japan has released the first official promotional film of RPG's new picture book style work "bad king and the outstanding brave", which will be launched on the PS4 / switch platform on June 24. The ordinary version costs 6980 yen (about 427 yuan). &The world of the past was ruled by the powerful dragon demon. Until a young brave man came forward and defeated the devil. However, the brave did not kill the devil, but cut down its source of strength - Dragon horn, and then let it go. After that, the brave and the lonely devil often chat together. In the process of getting along with the brave, the devil's character changed and they became good friends. One day, the dying brave man with a baby came to the devil and asked him to raise his child to be an excellent brave man. So, once the devil brought up the girl. The girl heard her father's adventure story from Wang Na, and she also aspired to be a brave man. Wang felt that it was time for him to cultivate this child into an outstanding brave man. Even if one day