新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《莱莎的炼金工房2》第四弹收费DLC现已推出


"Alchemy workshop of Laisha 2" the fourth charge DLC has been launched

2021-02-25 17:55:24来源: 游戏时光

台湾光荣特库摩宣布,《莱莎的炼金工房2 ~失落传说与秘密妖精~》已于今日(2 月 25 日)推出第四弹收费 DLC,本次的 DLC,追加了高难度地图“阳炎岛”及配方扩充包内容。 配方扩充包“战斗的精髓” 追加拥有强大效果的 7 种道具配方、7 种武器配方以及 3 种防具配方,此外也可通过“进化链接”组合装饰品,制作出 4 种全新装饰品,以及 5 种核心驱动,可使用更强大的道具及装备。这些新追加的道具、武器、防具可通过特定道具的配方变化进行调合。该扩充包售价 87 港元(72 元)。 超高难度地图“阳炎岛” 新 DLC 追加新遗迹“阳炎岛”及遗迹相关的剧情事件,“阳炎岛”将出现比本篇的敌人更强大的魔物,以及普通办法更难对付的 boss,同时莱莎一行人也可收集

Taiwan glory tekumo announced that "the lost legend and secret goblin of the alchemy workshop 2 of Laisha" has launched the fourth charge DLC today (February 25). This DLC adds the high difficulty map "Yangyan island" and the formula expansion package. &Formula expansion package "essence of battle" & amp; nbsp; adds 7 kinds of props formula, 7 kinds of weapons formula and 3 kinds of armor formula with powerful effect. In addition, 4 kinds of brand-new decorations and 5 kinds of core drive can be made through the combination of "evolution link" decorations to use more powerful props and equipment. These newly added props, weapons and armor can be adjusted by changing the formula of specific props. The package costs HK $87 (72 yuan).