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《英雄万岁》新手攻略 英雄成长全分析

The hero long live "the novice Raiders hero growth analysis

2015-06-04 16:03:40来源: 4399

作为一款坐拥14个种族,56位英雄的即时策略竞技手游,性格各异、技能多样的英雄们当然是《英雄万岁》的主角。那么玩家们要通过什么途径获取和强化英雄呢?本篇攻略将带来详细介绍。 英雄产出介绍: 酒馆招募 英雄产出和新种族开启的重要途径之一,通过酒馆招募除了有机会开启新种族和新英雄之...

as a sitting on 14 race, 56 hero real-time strategy athletics tour, personalities, skills in a variety of heroes is, of course," long live the hero, "the protagonist. So what is the way the players get and strengthen the hero? This introduction will bring a detailed introduction. Introduction: the hero of the introduction of the hero of the production and the new race is one of the important ways to recruit heroes, through the opening of the new race and a new hero in the pub...