新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《苍穹变》手游11日不限号开测 娜扎邀你开黑

《苍穹变》手游11日不限号开测 娜扎邀你开黑

The sky change "tour 11 does not limit the number to open test nuozha invites you to open the black

2015-06-04 16:03:40来源: 4399

由乐逗游戏独代发行,“天蚕土豆”监制的第一人气小说PK手游《苍穹变》将于6月11日开启不限号删档测试,而备受关注同名手游大片也在紧张制作中,那么你想知道大片拍摄现场幕后的秘密吗?想知道娜扎在化妆间玩《苍穹变》手游的样子吗?那就继续往下看吧! 娜扎表示,自己已经玩过许多款手游了,是一名资...

by music funny game alone on behalf of the issue," unending potatoes "producer of the first popular novels PK tour the sky change" will be on June 11 open does not limit the number of deleted file test, and much attention to hand tour of the same name blockbusters are in tension production, then you want to know tracts shooting the scene behind the secret?? Want to know, "play" Mobile Games sky change in the makeup room look like? Then keep looking down! Nuozha said, he has played many models of Mobile Games, is a capital...

标签: 手游