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几个老顽童 手游《比武招亲》阵容侠客选择

Several old urchin Tour "Gongfu" lineup Knight choose

2015-06-04 11:10:13来源: 不凡游戏网

手游《比武招亲》中,木岛主和龙岛主都是侠客行的阵容侠客,作为六星侠客,他们属性很高,是玩家们热选的卡牌。那么木、龙岛主厉害吗,技能有哪些呢?今天我们就来了解下吧。 一下号令,全天下的高手都要出发侠客岛,没有过人的真本事是不可能办得到的。而岛主2人,木岛主和龙岛主显示出来的武功也确实是...

hand travel "Gongfu", wood island and long island main is knight squad knight, as a Knight Of Pentacles, they attribute very high is heat players selected card. Then, the main island wood bad what skills,? Let's come to the next day.. Your orders, the whole world must master of Knight Island, no extraordinary true skill is not possible. The island of 2 people, and the main show wood island Lucullus is also the martial arts...

标签: 手游