新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼商城页面惊现《神秘海域》高清重制合集!


Sony discovered "uncharted" mall page HD remake collection!

2015-06-04 19:24:52来源: 逗游网

前段时间就有消息称,索尼将会公布《神秘海域》三部曲的高清合集,而今天索尼就在自家商城泄露了这个消息了。商城标题分别为:《神秘海域:内森·德雷克合集(Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection)》,其中内容包括《神秘海域:德雷克的宝藏》,《神秘海域2:纵横...

some time ago to have news that Sony will be announced "uncharted" trilogy HD collection and today Sony in their own mall leaked the news the. Mall title "uncharted: Nathan Drake collection (Uncharted: the Nathan Drake Collection), respectively, which includes the uncharted: Drake's treasure", "Uncharted 2: vertical and horizontal.

标签: 索尼