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战斗吧剑灵海盗洞穴怎么玩 金币获取

Fighting pirates cave in the sword of the spirit, how to play gold get fighting

2015-06-04 21:19:47来源: 4399

战斗吧剑灵中,很多地方需要金币,寻宝,锻造装备,武功升级等等都需要大量的金币,如果不用钻石去换取金币的话,金币远远不够用,那么今天4399沉尘教你快速获取金币! ▍资源洞穴 资源洞穴的作用和它的名称一样,就是用来获取大量资源的,里面分为:海盗洞穴、万金堂、浑天教分舵等三种模式。并且没...

sword of the spirit, a lot of places need gold, treasure hunt, forging equipment, fighting skill upgrading and so on need a large number of gold coins. If no diamonds in exchange for gold, gold is far from enough, then today 4399 dust settling teach you quickly get gold! Man cave cave and its name as is used to access to a large number of resources, which is divided into: The Pirate Cave, Wan Jintang, muddy day to teach the rudder and three kinds of mode. And not...