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"Monster Hunter X" cross new hunting technique, a new main monster first exposure

2015-06-05 01:08:12来源: 电玩巴士

CAPCOM最新发表了《怪物猎人》系列作品新作《怪物猎人X》(X读作cross),这次作品除了保留系列传统的狩猎动作以外,还加入了游戏中全新的狩技动作,令本作成为了《怪物猎人》系列划时代的一款作品。下面我们赶紧来接触这次作品的首个详细情报。 猎人们在本次的游戏中的新据点称作“贝鲁那村...

CAPCOM the latest published "Monster Hunter series" new "Monster Hunter X" (read x cross), the works except for retention of series of traditional hunting action, also joined the game in the new hunting action skills, so that this becomes the "Monster Hunter" series of epoch-making a work. Below we come to contact the first detailed information on this work. The hunters in the new stronghold in a game called "Beilunacun...

标签: 怪物猎人