新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郑州查处13个违规瓶装燃气换气点 城中村是重灾区

郑州查处13个违规瓶装燃气换气点 城中村是重灾区

Zhengzhou investigate 13 illegal bottled gas ventilation city village is hardest hit

2015-05-18 06:57:28来源: 大河网

河南商报记者李恒 为了严厉打击瓶装液化气经营市场各类违法、违规行为,5月16日,郑州市市政管理行政执法监察支队联合公安等部门对中原区部分城中村进行集中检查整治。 根据规定,未取得燃气经营许可...

Henan Business Daily reporter Li Heng to crack down on bottled liquefied petroleum gas business market, all kinds of violations of laws and regulations, May 16, Zhengzhou municipal administrative law enforcement detachment unite the Public Security Department of Zhongyuan District, part of the village of focus inspection and rectification. According to the regulations, without obtaining a gas business license...