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网游大封作弊账号 公开发视频道歉才恢复

Online games with large letters cheating account public video apology was restored

2015-05-22 15:48:03来源: 南方网

Daybreak Game 的总裁 John Smedley 如是评论道,这些作弊者不应该给开发商认错,而是要给那些被他们毁了游戏乐趣的玩家认错,所以道歉视频一定要公开,不能设密码后发给开发商了事。 摘要:不知道大家有没有听说过丧尸类生存网游《H1Z1》?即使不知道也不要紧,因为接下来...

Daybreak game's President John Smedley comment. These cheaters should not give developers admit, but to those they ruin the fun of the game players to admit, so apology video set to open. Cannot set a password sent to developers of trouble. Abstract: do not know if you have not heard of "H1Z1" type of zombie survival game? Even if you don't know it's no matter, because the next...

标签: 视频 网游