新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《仙途》新区战无双明日开放 来做最强战神

《仙途》新区战无双明日开放 来做最强战神

"By" new war without open tomorrow to do the strongest ares

2015-04-29 06:29:12来源: 17173

相信资深游戏玩家对《仙途》这款游戏不会陌生,作为巨人网络(更多厂商)旗下雪狼游戏研发的大型仙侠修真网游,在玩家中有着良好口碑,并且保持着旺盛的生命力。 就在明天下午两点整(4月30日14点),《仙途》全新双线大区“战无双”正式开放!无人涉足的崭新世界华丽来袭,等你来做最强战神! 劳...

believe that senior game player "by" new to this game won't, as a giant network (more manufacturers), snow wolf game research and development of large Xian Xia online class, have a good reputation in the game player, and maintaining the exuberant vitality. At two o'clock tomorrow afternoon (April 30th 14), "by" new "energy-saving" double Area officially opened! No one involved in the new world of gorgeous struck, waiting for you to do the best of! Work...