新关注 > 信息聚合 > 蓝推:欧服时光徽章实装 初始定价35000金

蓝推:欧服时光徽章实装 初始定价35000金

Blue: real time push EU badge initial pricing 35000 gold

2015-04-21 12:21:24来源: 多玩游戏

魔兽官方推特宣布了欧服时光徽章于4月21日上线的消息,并且初始价格定为35000金,商城定价为20欧元(15英镑),此价格和美服一样为月卡。 早在4月7日时,时光徽章已率先于美服上线,初始定价为30000金,上线后价格一直保持下滑,不过现在的价格已经稳定了,一直保持在平均22000金...

Warcraft official twitter announced the time badge in April 21st on-line news, and the initial price for the 35000 gold mall, priced at 20 euros (15 pounds), the price and the service for the card. As early as in April 7th, has taken the lead in the United States time badge clothing line, the initial price of 30000 gold, on the line after the prices keep falling, but now the price has been stable, maintained at an average of 22000 gold...