新关注 > 信息聚合 > 重口味调情游戏《调情圣手》7月上架iOS 来一场法..

重口味调情游戏《调情圣手》7月上架iOS 来一场法..

Hardcore Flirting Game "flirts" in July on a..

2015-04-21 13:35:39来源: TechWeb

来自美国波特兰市的开发商 Beardo Games 此前在今年 GDC 大会上展示了他们令人脸红心跳的重口味奇葩游戏——《调情圣手 Smooth Operator》。之所以让人小鹿乱撞砰砰砰,是因为它是一款模拟法式热吻的另类游戏!而日前官方放出的最新消息称,本作将在7月正式上架 iOS ...

iOS from America Portland developer Beardo Games earlier this year, the GDC conference show them a blush of hardcore wonderful game -- "Smooth Operator" smooth operator. The reason why people raced bang bang bang, because it is a game to simulate the offbeat French kiss! And the latest news before the official release said, this will be officially added to iOS in July...

标签: 游戏 iOS