新关注 > 信息聚合 > "大魔王"周琦泡网吧照遭曝光 姚明当年最爱魔兽

"大魔王"周琦泡网吧照遭曝光 姚明当年最爱魔兽

"King" Zhou Qipao internet photo was exposed Yao Ming was the love world of Warcraft

2015-04-21 12:43:08来源: 网易

近日,有网友曝光了大魔王周琦泡网吧的照片,值得一提的是,周琦并不是第一个喜欢玩电脑游戏的男篮球星。与他打同一个位置、可以算是他的“前辈”的姚明也很喜欢打游戏。 日前,有网友贴出了中国男篮19岁的希望之星、有“大魔王”之称的周琦在网吧与人的合影。网友惊呼,原来周琦也有着和普通孩子一样的爱...

recently, netizens exposed the Zhou Qipao Cafe photos, it is worth mentioning that, Zhou Qi is not the first like to play computer games in the men's basketball players. Play in the same position, and he can be regarded as his "predecessors" Yao Ming also likes to play the game. Recently, a netizen posted a star of hope, 19 years old China's "devil" said Zhou Qi in the Internet bar with the people. Netizens exclaimed, old Zhou Qi is like ordinary children's love...