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"Dream swims on the west 2" X9 league tournament fiery

2015-04-21 14:24:15来源: 新浪

梦幻西游2 CGWR 得分 CGWR:37 位 CGWR介绍 导语:2015年《梦幻西游2》新资料片“群雄逐鹿”推出,与新资料同步的是全服高手同场竞机的X9联赛。X9联赛不仅为60-159级玩家提供了优势的竞技平台,更以成熟、专业的比赛经验,将竞技魅力发挥到最大,让全服务器的玩家...

Fantasy Westward Journey 2 CGWR score CGWR:37 CGWR lead: 2015 "Fantasy Westward Journey 2" new material piece "launched, synchronized with the new feudal lords vying for the throne" data is a full service with the master race machine X9 league. X9 League not only provides the advantages of competitive platform for 60-159 game player, more mature, professional experience in the game, will play the biggest competitive charm, let the game player server...

标签: 梦幻西游