新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《航海王启航》极限斗技场攻略详解 轻松赢斗技币

《航海王启航》极限斗技场攻略详解 轻松赢斗技币

"Sailing" limit Wang Qihang arena Raiders detailed and easy to win $

2015-04-21 16:17:57来源: TechWeb

极限斗技场玩法说明 航海王启航极限斗技场即将开放!在将要到来的空岛幻想版本中,极限斗技场全新玩法将和我们正式见面,玩家们将派出三支队伍,参与进三局两胜的决斗中。同时斗技币和斗技商城也将同步开放!为了帮助玩家们第一时间玩转航海王启航极限斗技场,小编今天就为大家第一时间带来详细的玩法及技巧...

ultimate fighting skills Arena play a Wang Qihang limit arena will be open! In the coming of the floating island fantasy version, ultimate arena new play will officially meet with us, we will send the game player three teams in three, winning two in a duel. At the same time fighting skills and money fighting skills will also be synchronized mall open! In order to help the game player are the first time get along well with the Wang Qihang limit arena sailing, bring the gameplay and skills with Xiao Bian today for the first time we...