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电影改编 手游《速度与激情:传承》登陆iOS

The film adaptation of Mobile Games "speed and passion: Inheritance" landing iOS

2015-03-30 15:07:15来源: 天极网

《速度与激情(Fast & Furious)》不得不说是一部经典之作,目前电影已经推出了6部,电影当中融合了赛车竞速、警匪枪战等等元素让不少影迷在每次看完之后都大呼过瘾,而这些元素都很适合在游戏中展现。于是游戏开发商Kabam制作了游戏《速度与激情:传承(Fast & Furious: ...

"speed and passion (Fast & Furious)" have to say is a classic, the film had rolled out 6, the movie combines racing, the gunfight elements make many fans are screaming fun at each time after reading, these elements are very suitable for display in the game. So the game developers Kabam made the game "speed and passion: inheritance (Fast & Furious...

标签: 手游 电影 iOS