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《僵尸U2》新作即将发布 值得期待!

"Zombie" is worth looking forward to the new upcoming U2!

2015-01-02 08:09:23来源: 中关村在线

【中关村在线游戏资讯】1月2日消息:上个月,法国亚马逊上出现了《僵尸U2》的页面,虽然该页面很快就被移除,但是消息早已传开。更有趣的是,该页面还给出了一个精确的发售日——2015年10月17日,正值万圣节前夕!也许我们能够在明年的E3上看到该游戏的正式公布。 僵尸U 《僵尸U》无疑...

Zhongguancun online game [information] January 2nd news: last month, the emergence of "zombie U2" page Amazon France, although the page quickly removed, but the news had already spread. More interestingly, the page also gives an exact release date -- October 17, 2015, Halloween comes! Maybe we can see the officially announced the game at next year's E3. U "U" undoubtedly zombie zombie...