新关注 > 信息聚合 > 将改良拍照模式 《驾驶俱乐部》情报公开

将改良拍照模式 《驾驶俱乐部》情报公开

The improved photo mode "driving club" public information

2015-01-05 14:15:43来源: 新浪

虽然《驾驶俱乐部》刚刚发售的时候存在很多问题,好在官方的态度比较积极,自游戏发售之日起一直在不断推出新的补丁和更新,游戏素质也在逐渐提升。近日官方又公布了未来更新的相关情报。 游戏导演Paul Rustchynsky在推特上表示游戏的拍照系统中最不人性化的部分将要被修正。在修正补丁更...

although "when driving club" the just released and there are a lot of problems, but the official attitude is positive, since the release of the game to date have been constantly introducing new patches and updates, the game is also gradually increase. Recently, the official also published related information of future updates. The game director Paul Rustchynsky tweeted on camera system game least some humanity will be corrected. In patches more...