新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《死亡细胞》手机版在中国已卖出200万份


"Dead cells" mobile version has sold 2 million copies in China

2021-07-14 10:35:23来源: 游戏时光

开发商 Motion Twin 旗下 Roguelite 题材横版平台动作游戏《死亡细胞》此前已从 PC 移植至手机平台,中国区《死亡细胞》手机版于 2021 年 2 月 3 日上线,国区官方译名《重生细胞》,今日官方宣布中国玩家已为本作手机版贡献了 200 万份的销量。对于游戏达成的销量里程碑,负责《死亡细胞》手机版全球发行的 Playdigious 表示眼前一亮,并将该成绩归功于国区代理商 bilibili,称其出色的展现了质量优秀的买断付费制手游仍有极大的市场。实际上早在今年 3 月《死亡细胞》各版本全球累计销量就已经突破 500 万份,其中 100 万份就是中国区手机版本。来源:gamesindustry

The mobile version of "dead cell" in China was launched on February 3, 2021. The official translation of "rebirth cell" in China announced today that Chinese players have contributed 2 million copies to the sales of the mobile version. For the sales milestone of the game, playdigious, who is responsible for the global distribution of the mobile version of "death cell", said that it was a bright moment, and attributed the achievement to the national agent BiliBili, saying that it showed excellent quality, and there is still a huge market for buyout paid mobile games. In fact, as early as March this year, the cumulative global sales of various versions of "dead cell" has exceeded 5 million copies, of which 1 million are mobile phone versions in China. Source: GameIndustry