新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《彩虹六号:异种》新预告公布 支持跨平台联机与存档转移

《彩虹六号:异种》新预告公布 支持跨平台联机与存档转移

Rainbow 6: heterogeneous new announcement supports cross platform online and archive transfer

2021-07-14 12:04:48来源: 游戏时光

育碧放出了《彩虹六号:异种》的新宣传片,宣布本作将支持跨平台联机、跨平台进度保存及转移功能。在《彩虹六号:异种》中,彩虹小队的特勤干员们将面对一种极度危险的变异外星寄生虫,其率先于新墨西哥州被发现,随后传播至世界各地,而随着其不断进化,将会感染人类宿主和环境,同时为人类带来前所未有的挑战。本作将于 2021 年 9 月 16 日登陆 PS5/PS4/Xbox Series/Xbox One/PC 平台。视频地址

Ubisoft released a new promotional video of rainbow 6: alien, announcing that it will support cross platform online, cross platform schedule save and transfer functions. In Rainbow Six: alien, the special agents of rainbow team will face an extremely dangerous mutant alien parasite, which was first discovered in New Mexico and then spread to all over the world. With its continuous evolution, it will infect human hosts and environment, and bring unprecedented challenges to human beings. This work will be launched on the ps5 / PS4 / Xbox series / Xbox one / PC platform on September 16, 2021. Video address