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《SINce Memories 星穹之下》插入曲《Long for you》…

Since memories under the stars inset long for you

2021-07-16 19:19:12来源: 游戏时光

官方放出了恋爱 ADV《SINce Memories 星穹之下》插入曲《Long for you》的试听动画。本作继承了《告别回忆》系列的制作理念,由 U35 担任人设,阿保刚负责游戏音乐,志仓千代丸负责主题曲创作。《SINce Memories 星穹之下》将于 9 月 16 日登陆 PS4/NS 平台,中文版与日文版同步发售。视频地址

The official released the audition animation of love adv "under the stars" insert "long for you". This work inherits the production concept of "farewell to memory" series, with u35 as the designer, a Baogang in charge of game music, and zhicang qiandaiwan in charge of theme song creation《 Since memories under the dome will be launched on the PS4 / NS platform on September 16, and the Chinese version and Japanese version will be on sale simultaneously. Video address