新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新闻评论:2500元的Steam掌机,你会买吗【VG聊天室】


News review: will you buy a 2500 yuan steam handset [VG chat room]

2021-07-16 14:38:05来源: 游戏时光

VG聊天室已登录各大FM平台。本期节目链接:喜马拉雅FM|荔枝|B站|网易云音乐音频:视频: Valve 在今天凌晨突然官宣了全新 PC 掌机设备「Steam Deck」,预计 2021 年 12 月在美国、加拿大、英国和欧盟上市,其他国家和地区要到 2022 年发售。这样一款掌机,你会购买吗?参与人:LOST、FJ更多节目,请点击下方节目单:

VG chat room has been logged into major FM platforms. This program link: Himalayan FM | lychee | B station | Netease cloud music audio: Video: valve suddenly announced a new PC handheld device "steam deck" in the early morning of this day, which is expected to be launched in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and the European Union in December 2021, and will be available in other countries and regions by 2022. Will you buy such a handset? Participants: lost, FJ for more programs, please click the program list below:

标签: Steam