新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《死亡终局 轮回试炼2》Switch中文版9月16日发售

《死亡终局 轮回试炼2》Switch中文版9月16日发售

The Chinese version of "trial of reincarnation in the end of death 2" is on sale on September 16

2021-07-16 16:38:51来源: 游戏时光

“地雷社”Compile Heart 此前宣布旗下 JRPG《死亡终局 轮回试炼2》登录 Switch 平台的消息,香港发行商 GSE 将于 9 月 16 日带来 Switch 的中文实体版游戏,官方现公布了本作的故事背景介绍。 《死亡终局 轮回试炼2》延续了前作的世界观,不过舞台移到了一个充满东南欧特色的架空城镇“里茨什瓦拉”,本作剧情主打血腥暴力、猎奇、百合三个要素。游戏开场就体现了家庭暴力、虐待儿童、弑父等颇具争议的社会问题,后续的剧情发展也毫不避讳地与这些要素相关联。游戏正式开始后,鲜血、尸体、充满怪物的黑夜构成了一个个猎奇惊悚的画面,玩家在游玩时还会因选择错误的决定而步入坏结局。 本作的主角东山舞自小双亲离异,妹妹跟随母亲生活,自己则被留在父亲身边,然而酗酒

"Mine club" compile heart has announced that its jrpg "trial of death 2" will log on to the switch platform. GSE, the Hong Kong publisher, will bring the switch's Chinese physical version of the game on September 16. The official has announced the background of the story& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;《 The trial of reincarnation in the end of death 2 continues the world outlook of the previous work, but the stage moves to an aerial town "ritzshwara" full of Southeast European characteristics. The plot of this work focuses on bloody violence, curiosity and Lily. The opening of the game reflects controversial social issues such as domestic violence, child abuse and patricide, and the subsequent plot development is also related to these elements. After the game officially started, the blood, corpses and the night full of monsters constitute a thrilling picture, and the players will enter a bad ending due to the wrong choice when playing& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; The protagonist of this novel, Dongshan dance, is divorced from her parents when she was young. Her sister lives with her mother, while she is left with her father, but she drinks too much

标签: Switch