新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《我的世界》社区创作者已累计卖出3.5亿美元mod


The community creators of my world have sold $350 million mod

2021-04-28 12:35:20来源: 游戏时光

自 2009 年诞生以来,Mojang 工作室旗下沙盒《我的世界》已成长为全世界累计销量超两亿的业界传奇作品,而这款游戏催生出的玩家自主创作市场也同样出奇得成功,据微软近期公布的财报消息,《我的世界》自 2017 年开放官方社区市场以来,四年内社区创作者所创作的模组(mods)、插件(add-ons)等内容已被玩家下载超 10 亿次,其中创造了 3.5 亿美元的价值,这还不算玩家在官方市场以外的交易。顺带一提尽管 3.5 亿美元的市场交易并没有全部进创作者的腰包,但官方过去也曾声明一半以上的收入都会直接交到创作者手中。 Mojang Studios 于 2014 年 11 月被微软以 25 亿美元的价格收购,目前《我的世界》仍坐拥近 1.4 亿的月活用户,而且这个数字仍以 30% 的速率逐

Since its birth in 2009, mojang studio's sandbox "my world" has grown into an industry legend with a cumulative sales volume of more than 200 million in the world, and the self creation market for players spawned by this game has also been surprisingly successful. According to the financial report recently released by Microsoft, "my world" has become an industry legend since it opened the official Community market in 2017, Within four years, MODS, add ons and other content created by community creators have been downloaded by players for more than 1 billion times, creating a value of $350 million, not counting the transactions of players outside the official market. Incidentally, although the $350 million market transaction did not go into the creator's pocket, officials have stated in the past that more than half of the income will be directly handed over to the creator& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; Mojang Studios was acquired by Microsoft in November 2014 at a price of US $2.5 billion. At present, my world still has nearly 140 million monthly live users, and this number is still growing at a rate of 30%

标签: 我的世界