新关注 > 信息聚合 > 传闻:Mojang正在开发至少两款《我的世界》衍生新作


Rumor: mojang is developing at least two new derivative works of my world

2021-09-23 20:55:49来源: 游戏时光

《我的世界》是当今最畅销的游戏之一,目前已售出超过 2 亿份。据外媒 Windows Central 的消息,《我的世界》开发商 Mojang Studios 正在开发“至少两个全新的项目”,这些项目都基于《我的世界》游戏宇宙。 Windows Central 的记者 Jez Corden 在报道中称,他从“可靠的消息来源”了解到,Mojang 正在开发至少两款全新的项目,暂时不清楚具体细节,但确认“它们不是《我的世界》和《我的世界 地下城》”。不过该记者并未透露消息的具体来源。 去年 Mojang 工作室正式更名为 Mojang Studios ,其通讯主管 Thomas Wiborgh

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; My world is one of the best-selling games today, with more than 200 million copies sold. According to the foreign media windows central, mojang studios, the developer of my world, is developing "at least two new projects", which are based on the game universe of my world& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Jez Corden, a reporter from windows central, said in the report that he learned from "reliable sources" that mojang is developing at least two new projects, and the specific details are not clear for the time being, but confirmed that "they are not my world and my world dungeon". However, the reporter did not disclose the specific source of the news& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Last year, mojang studio was officially renamed mojang studios, and Its Communication Director Thomas wiborgh

标签: 我的世界