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How far has tillette come to this day

2021-04-27 18:40:41来源: 触乐

在2019年以前,你在任何中文互联网上搜索“罗德岛”,屏幕上出现的除了原装希腊罗德岛美景之外,还有一位金发尖耳的女精灵,而不是披着大衣的长耳朵小兔子。随着近日《罗德岛战记》(ロードス島戦記)30周年纪念作、2D银河城类游戏《蒂德莉特的奇境冒险》(Record of Lodoss War-Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth-)历时一年终于更新结束,迎来结局,是时候顺便晒一下这个真的起源级IP了。 《罗德岛战记》脱胎于西方奇幻的代表之一《龙与地下城》,原本是在1986年前后,为了引起读者对《龙与地下城》的兴趣而刊载在杂志上的跑团记录,使用的规则是《龙与地下城》框架,但世界观等内容用的是“罗德岛”,这是担任DM的水野良自学生时代起就一直在构思的。由于

Before 2019, you search & amp; on any Chinese Internet; ldquo; Rhode Island & amp; rdquo;, In addition to the original beauty of Rhode Island, Greece, there is also a fairy with sharp ears and blond hair on the screen, rather than a rabbit with long ears in a coat. Recently, the 30th anniversary of "Rhode Island" and the 2D Galaxy City game "record of loss war dedlit in wonder adventure" have been updated for one year and finally come to an end. It's time to share this real origin IP.