新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《地狱之刃》现已更新Xbox Series表现强化适配

《地狱之刃》现已更新Xbox Series表现强化适配

Blade of hell has now been updated with an enhanced fit for Xbox series performance

2021-08-10 00:53:58来源: 游戏时光

开发商 Ninja Theory 宣布,动作冒险游戏《地狱之刃》的 Xbox Series X|S 表现强化补丁现已上线。拥有 Xbox One 版本《地狱之刃》的玩家可以免费进行本次更新,并在 Xbox Series 主机上体验更丰富的视觉效果、高分辨率模式、光线追踪等新特性。玩家在本作中将扮演心灵受到重创的凯尔特战士赛娜,为拯救亡夫的灵魂前往北欧的炼狱,并在这一过程中完成对自己精神世界的救赎。视频地址

Developer & amp; nbsp; Ninja theory announces the & amp; amp; nbsp; of the action adventure game blade of hell; nbsp; Xbox Series X|S& nbsp; Performance enhancement patch is now online. Players with the Xbox one version of the blade of hell can update this update for free and experience richer visual effects, high-resolution mode, ray tracing and other new features on the Xbox series console. In this work, the player will play the Celtic Warrior Saina whose soul has been seriously damaged, go to purgatory in northern Europe to save the soul of his deceased husband, and complete the redemption of his spiritual world in this process. Video address

标签: Xbox