新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《福尔摩斯:第一章》11月16日发售,详细介绍宣传片公开


Sherlock Holmes: Chapter 1 was released on November 16, detailing the publicity film

2021-09-16 22:00:52来源: 游戏时光

乌克兰独立游戏开发商 Frogwares 刚刚公布了旗下新作《福尔摩斯:第一章》的发售日。本作将在 2021 年 11 月 16 日登陆 PC、PS5、XSX|S,而 PS4 和 Xbox One 版则会在之后推出。官方还公开了本作的新预告和详细介绍宣传片。发售日预告7 分钟详细介绍宣传片在公布发售日的同时,官方也宣布《福尔摩斯:第一章》现已在 Steam、GOG、EGS 三大 PC 平台以及 PS5 和 XSX|S 两大主机平台上开启预购。本作预购奖励如下:《福尔摩斯:第一章》的豪华版内容将包括游戏本体和含有新任务的季票,其中名为「Saints & Sinners」的季票任务在发售当天就能体验,该任务将与夏洛特的哥哥麦考夫有关。季票相关的更多额外任务将在日后公布详情。《福尔摩斯:第一章》标准版售价为

The Ukrainian independent game developer Frogwares has just announced the release date of its new work Sherlock Holmes: Chapter 1. This work will be launched on PC, ps5 and xsx|s on November 16, 2021, while PS4 and Xbox one will be launched later. The official also made public the new notice and detailed introduction of the film. The 7-minute advance notice of the launch date details the promotional film. While announcing the launch date, the official also announced that Holmes: Chapter I has opened advance purchase on the three PC platforms of steam, Gog and EGS and the two host platforms of ps5 and xsx|s. The pre order rewards are as follows: the deluxe version of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter 1 will include the game itself and season tickets containing new tasks. Among them, the season ticket task called "saints & amp; amp; sinners" will be experienced on the day of sale, which will be related to Charlotte's brother McAfee. More additional tasks related to season tickets will be announced later. The standard edition of Sherlock Holmes: Chapter I costs