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麻枝准RPG新作《Heaven Burns Red》首支PV公开

Ma zhizhun's new RPG novel "Heaven burns red" was released to the public

2021-09-11 22:04:42来源: 游戏时光

Wright Flyer Studios 和 Key 社合作开发的 RPG 手游《Heaven Burns Red》今日正式公布首支宣传片,展示了游戏界面、人物剧情和大量战斗画面。视频地址 《Heaven Burns Red》是麻枝准时隔 15 年的完全新作,由他负责游戏剧本和音乐。日本人气唱见 やなぎなぎ 演唱主题曲,负责过《菲莉丝的工作室》等作品的画师 ゆーげん 担任角色设计。本作预计于 2021 年上线,登陆 iOS / Android ,现已开启预约。预约奖励如下注册人数达到 100,000 人:クォーツ x 500 个注册人数达到 150,000 人:クォーツ x 500 个注册人数达到 200,000 人:クォーツ x

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; The RPG mobile game "Heaven burns red", jointly developed by Wright Flyer studios and key society, officially announced its first promotional film today, showing the game interface, character plot and a large number of battle pictures. Video address & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; "Heaven burns red" is a completely new work by Ma Zhi every 15 years. He is responsible for the game script and music. The popular singer in Japan sang the theme song, and the painter in charge of works such as Phyllis's studio acted as the role design. This work is expected to go online in 2021, log in to IOS / Android, and now open an appointment. The appointment reward is as follows: the number of registrants reaches 100000: クォツツツォツツォツツォツォツツォツォツツォツツォツツォツツォ12484