新关注 > 信息聚合 > B站「高能电玩节」将公开《明末:渊虚之羽》实机演示


The "high energy video game Festival" at station B will open the real machine demonstration of "the end of the Ming Dynasty: the feather of the abyss"

2021-09-16 18:16:44来源: 游戏时光

B 站官方宣布,明天(9 月 17 日)举办的「高能电玩节」上将会公开一款名为《明末:渊虚之羽》的新作情报。据了解,届时将首次公开本作的开发进度实机演示,但暂时不清楚本作是什么类型的作品。「高能电玩节」将在 9 月 17 日至 21 日举办,包括小岛工作室、505 Games、Techland、柳叶刀工作室等 20 余家厂商将会参展。

Station B officially announced that the "high energy video game Festival" to be held tomorrow (September 17) will disclose a new work called "the end of the Ming Dynasty: the feather of the abyss". It is understood that the development progress of this work will be disclosed for the first time, but it is not clear what type of work this work is. "High energy video game Festival" will be held from September 17 to 21, including more than 20 manufacturers such as island studio, 505 games, techland and lancet studio.