新关注 > 信息聚合 > 细田守执导动画电影《龙与雀斑公主》中文预告公开


The Chinese preview of the animated film "dragon and freckle Princess" directed by Shou Hosoda is open

2021-09-23 17:35:37来源: 游戏时光

车库娱乐在今日(9 月 23 日)公布了动画电影《龙与雀斑公主》中文正式预告,时长约 2 分钟。视频地址《龙与雀斑公主》由日本动画导演细田守担任主创,讲述了一个动人的奇幻故事。17 岁的女高中生小铃进入网络世界“U”并成为网络歌手“贝儿”,但在“贝儿”收获巨大人气的同时,一只形似巨龙的生物突然出现在她的面前……《龙与雀斑公主》已于今年 7 月在日本上映,票房成绩突破 60 亿日元。今年 10 月,本片将在港台地区放映。此外影片确认参展第十七届中国国际动漫节,展会将于 9 月 29 日至 10 月 4 日在杭州举办。来源:车库娱乐

Garage entertainment today (September 23) announced the official Chinese preview of the animated film dragon and freckle princess, which is about 2 minutes long. The video address "dragon and freckle Princess" is mainly created by Japanese animation director Shou Hosoda, which tells a moving fantasy story. Xiaoling, a 17-year-old female high school student, entered the online world "U" and became an online singer "Belle". However, while "Belle" gained great popularity, a dragon like creature suddenly appeared in front of her... Dragon and freckle princess was released in Japan in July this year, with a box office score of more than 6 billion yen. In October this year, the film will be shown in Hong Kong and Taiwan. In addition, the film confirmed to participate in the 17th China International Animation Festival, which will be held in Hangzhou from September 29 to October 4. Source: garage Entertainment

标签: 电影