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Daily morning news (September 26)

2021-09-26 07:36:14来源: 游戏时光

新闻简讯Switch 的 N64 手柄比起原版将有额外的按键。索尼高管表示未来将通过更新给 PS5 增加一大堆有趣且令人兴奋的功能。拓展阅读《鬼灭之刃》公开新PV12 月 5 日起播出《游郭篇》,第 1 话为时长一小时的特别篇,片头曲《残響散歌》和片尾曲《朝が来る》由 Aimer 演唱。10 月 10 日起播出全 7 话的《无限列车篇》,其中第 1 话为完全新作,后 6 话将增加部分新画面,片头曲《明け星》和片尾曲《白銀》由 LiSA 演唱。视频链接《ULTRAMAN》第2季新视觉图《ULTRAMAN》第 2 季新视觉图公开,本作将于 2022 年春在 Netflix 上播出。 ​​​《星际牛仔》真人剧开场视频《星际牛仔》真人剧公开开场视频,本作将于 11 月 19 日播出。视频链接历史上的今天1986 年,F

The N64 handle of News Newsletter switch will have additional keys compared with the original. Sony executives said they would add a lot of interesting and exciting features to the ps5 through updates in the future. Expand the reading of the blade of ghost extinction, which is open to the public. From December 5, the first one hour long special chapter will be broadcast. The opening song "residual sound scattered song" and the ending song "Chao Lai Lai" will be sung by aimer. From October 10, the full seven words of "infinite train" will be broadcast, of which the first sentence is a complete new work, and some new pictures will be added in the last six words. The opening song "Ming Yi star" and the ending song "silver" will be sung by Lisa. The video link is the new visual map of Ultraman Season 2. The new visual map of Ultraman Season 2 is public. This work will be broadcast on Netflix in the spring of 2022. The opening video of star cowboy will be broadcast on November 19. Video link history today, 1986, F