新关注 > 信息聚合 > Xbox九月系统更新:新Edge登场,可用键鼠直接操作


Xbox system update in September: the new edge comes on stage, which can be operated directly with keys and mice

2021-09-25 09:45:41来源: 游戏时光

微软近日发布了 Xbox 主机的 9 月系统更新,加入了新的基于 Chromium 内核 Edge 浏览器,玩家不仅可以在主机上使用浏览器游玩 Xbox 云游戏,甚至可以玩 Stadia 云游戏或串流 Steam 上的游戏了。Xbox主机上的Edge浏览器Xbox 上的新版 Edge浏览器与 PC 版本大致相同,包括垂直标签页和集锦等功能,也会同步用户的所有设置、收藏夹、标签和历史记录。 不过,Xbox 版并不支持扩展功能和开发人员模式等。玩家可以在Xbox的Edge浏览器上使用远程桌面新版 Edge 浏览器还支持鼠标和键盘,因此 Xbox 用户甚至可以使用远程桌面软件,把 Steam 平台上的游戏串流到 Xbox 上。同时,用户可以选择使用手柄或键鼠在 Xbox 主机上游玩谷歌的 Stadia 云游戏。不过,

Microsoft recently released the system update of Xbox host in September and added a new edge browser based on chromium kernel. Players can not only use the browser to play Xbox cloud games on the host, but also play stadia cloud games or games on streaming steam. Edge browser on Xbox Console the new version of edge browser on Xbox is roughly the same as the PC version, including functions such as vertical tabs and highlights. It will also synchronize all users' settings, favorites, labels and history. However, the Xbox version does not support extended functions and developer mode. Players can use remote desktop on the edge browser of Xbox. The new edge browser also supports mouse and keyboard, so Xbox users can even stream games on steam platform to Xbox using remote desktop software. At the same time, users can choose to play Google's stadia cloud game on the Xbox Console with a handle or mouse. however,

标签: Xbox