新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《极限竞速 地平线5》PC版硬件配置要求公开

《极限竞速 地平线5》PC版硬件配置要求公开

Disclosure of hardware configuration requirements for PC version of extreme racing horizon 5

2021-09-30 20:20:59来源: 游戏时光

《极限竞速 地平线5》官方今日(9 月 30 日)公开了 PC 版游戏的硬件配置要求。根据实机效果的差异,官方给出了最低配置(Min Spec),推荐配置(Recommended Spec)和理想配置(Ideal Spec)三个档位。想要体验本作的玩家可参考下图内容。《极限竞速 地平线5》PC 版支持 21:9 超宽屏显示,适配的方向盘外设型号如下:罗技:Driving Force, G25, G27, G29, G920, G923PS, G923XB, Momo;法拓士:Ferrari 458, T150 RS, T300 RS, T500 RS, TMX, T-GT, TS-XW, TX, TS-PC;Fanatec:V1, V2, V2.5, CSL, CSL DD, DD1, DD2, Univers

The official of extreme racing horizon 5 today (September 30) disclosed the hardware configuration requirements of the PC version of the game. According to the difference of actual machine effect, the official gives three gears: min spec, recommended spec and ideal spec. Players who want to experience this work can refer to the following figure. The PC version of extreme racing horizon 5 supports 21:9 ultra widescreen display, and the applicable steering wheel peripheral models are as follows: Logitech: driving force, G25, G27, g29, g920, g923ps, g923xb, Momo; Fatos: Ferrari 458, t150 RS, T300 RS, t500 RS, TMX, t-gt, ts-xw, TX, ts-pc; Fanatec:V1, V2, V2.5, CSL, CSL DD, DD1, DD2, Univers

标签: PC