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Meta RPG《tERRORbane》中文试玩上线

Meta RPG "trerrorbane" Chinese trial Online

2021-09-30 20:40:17来源: 游戏时光

Meta 游戏《tERRORbane》免费试玩版现已正式追加官方中文支持。本作由 BitNine Studio 制作,轻语游戏发行。商店地址:传送门游戏采用了怀旧 JRPG 的表现形式,但实际上却跟RPG完全没关系。玩家将扮演一位以击溃游戏开发者信心为己任的测试者,而开发者则本色出演,亲自为自己的角色配音。这位自称天才的开发者反复强调自己的作品完美无缺,但玩家总会遇到各种意料之外的情况,比如正要调查路边的一筐梨时,这筐梨却成为了队伍中的冒险伙伴;又比如主角打算进入一扇门时,却发现把门收入了道具栏中,房子的主人大声指责主角盗窃的行为……总之,玩家将在游玩过程中触发并收集其中满到溢出的各种神奇BUG。游戏中强大的玩梗 BUG 会让玩家遇到 BUG 的时候都会心存疑惑“这个 BUG 真的是 BUG 吗?”。本作荣获了

The free trial version of meta game trerrorbane has officially added official Chinese support. This work is produced by bitnine studio and released by light language game. Store address: portal game adopts the expression form of nostalgic jrpg, but it has nothing to do with RPG. The player will play a tester whose responsibility is to defeat the confidence of the game developer, while the developer will play his own role and voice his role in person. The developer who claimed to be a genius repeatedly stressed that his work was perfect, but players always encountered all kinds of unexpected situations. For example, when they were about to investigate a basket of pears on the roadside, the basket of pears became an adventure partner in the team; For another example, when the protagonist intends to enter a door, he finds that the door is included in the prop column, and the owner of the house loudly accuses the protagonist of stealing... In short, the player will trigger and collect all kinds of magical bugs full of overflow during the game. The powerful play stem bug in the game will make players wonder "is this bug really a bug?". This work won the prize