新关注 > 信息聚合 > 探索精美的手绘世界,《星位继承者》发售宣传片公开


Explore the exquisite hand-painted world, and the promotional film of "heir to the star" will be released to the public

2021-09-30 14:30:36来源: 游戏时光

Artisan Studio 在今日公布了回合制策略冒险 RPG 《星位继承者》的发售宣传片。本作在 9 月 30 日(今日)登陆 PS5 / PS4 / Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S / Switch / PC 平台,支持简体中文,首发加入 XGP。视频地址 据介绍,本作集结了参与过《最终幻想》、《尼尔 机械纪元》及《勇气默示录》的开发人员,采用 2D 手绘风格和动态天气系统,玩家可从八个可定制角色中进行选择,组建起自己的英雄团队开展冒险。玩家可以探访住着各种独特生物的五座城市, 与 200 多种不同怪兽战斗,并通关 20 多个危险的地牢, 游戏时间超过 50 个小时。视频截图来源:Twitter

Artisan studio today announced the release of the turn based strategic adventure RPG "heir to the throne". This work landed on ps5 / PS4 / Xbox one / Xbox series x|s / switch / PC platform on September 30 (today). It supports simplified Chinese and joined XGP first. Video address & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; It is reported that this work gathers developers who have participated in final fantasy, Neil mechanical era and implied record of courage. It adopts 2D hand-painted style and dynamic weather system. Players can choose from eight customizable characters to form their own hero team to carry out adventure. Players can visit five cities with various unique creatures,