新关注 > 信息聚合 > 浓浓昭和味,《新·假面骑士》首支PV公开


With a strong sense of showmanship, the first PV of new masked knight was released

2021-09-30 16:06:01来源: 游戏时光

由庵野秀明执导的《新·假面骑士》的首支预告于今日正式公开,分为 A、B 两版,由池松壮亮饰演本乡猛,浜边美波饰演绿川琉璃子。A 版:视频地址B版:视频地址本片预计于 2022 年 3 月在日本上映。

The first trailer of the new masked Knight directed by Xiuming Ono was officially released today. It is divided into two versions: A and B. Chi songzhuangliang plays honxiang Meng and hamabian Meibo plays lvchuan liulizi. Version a: video address version B: video address this film is expected to be released in Japan in March 2022.