新关注 > 信息聚合 > 外媒爆料:黑曜石与《少数幸运儿》开发商正在为Xbox开发两款独占新作


Foreign media broke the news: Obsidian and lucky few developers are developing two exclusive new works for Xbox

2021-11-12 11:31:09来源: 游戏时光

似乎有两款微软 Xbox 独占的新作正在浮出水面。外媒 Windows Central 声称他们独家获悉了相关的情报,这两款作品分别来自黑曜石工作室和《少数幸运儿》开发商 Compulsion Games。据报道,《天外世界》开发商黑曜石(Obsidian)正在开发一款名为「Pentiment」的新作。报道中还提及了来自 Gamesbeat 编辑杰夫 · 格拉布的爆料。报道称,这款新作是黑曜石内部的一款具有「独立」风格的作品,由操刀过《辐射 新维加斯》和《永恒之柱》的业界老兵乔希 · 索耶(Josh Sawyer)带领一支 12 人的小团队开发。据介绍,作品标题「Pentiment」是一个绘画术语,指的是绘画中由于顶层的颜料随着时间推移变得透明,而逐渐显露出来的底层图像。游戏中,玩家将扮演一名 16 世纪的欧洲

It seems that two new Microsoft Xbox exclusive products are emerging. The foreign media windows central claimed that they had learned the relevant information exclusively. The two works came from Obsidian studio and calculation games, the developer of lucky few. It is reported that obsidian, the developer of "outer world", is developing a new work called "pentiment". The report also mentioned the news from gamesbeat editor Jeff GRABB. It is reported that this new work is a work with "independent" style in obsidian. It was developed by a small team of 12 people led by joshsawyer, an industry veteran who has worked on "radiating New Vegas" and "eternal pillar". According to the introduction, the title of the work "pentiment" is a painting term, which refers to the bottom image gradually exposed in the painting because the paint on the top layer becomes transparent over time. In the game, the player will play a 16th century European

标签: Xbox