新关注 > 信息聚合 > 广州出台政策鼓励社会各界建设电动汽车充电站


Guangzhou introduced the policy to encourage all sectors of the community building electric car charging station

2015-06-30 14:23:59来源: 人民网

国际在线消息(驻广州记者 韩希):广州市政府常务会议29日审议通过《广州市推进电动汽车充换电设施建设与管理暂行办法》(以下简称《暂行办法》),鼓励社会各界建设为电动汽车服务的充电站(桩)。 随着电动汽车的出现,市场上对于为电动汽车充电的充电站(桩)的需求大增,《暂行办法》明确鼓励积极...

international online news (reporter in Guangzhou Han XI): Guangzhou municipal government executive meeting 29 passed the Guangzhou city to promote electric vehicle charging for electric facilities with the Interim Measures for the administration "(hereinafter referred to as the" Interim Measures "), encourage all sectors of the community building for the electric vehicle charging station (pile). With the emergence of electric vehicles, the market for electric vehicles charging station (pile) demand growth, the interim measures to explicitly encourage positive...