新关注 > 信息聚合 > 工行“融e行”“融e联”携手11·18,超越双11的..


The bank financial e bank "and" financial e "in 11, 18, 11..

2015-12-15 17:28:05来源: 大众网

蓄势待发,万人磨一剑 据了解,工行开放式手机银行从酝酿、设计、开发到测试、体验和投产,经历了较为漫长的一个过程。一年多的时间内,该产品历经6轮的行内外客户体验、39个交易模型开发、200张原型图...

million sword ready, it is understood that the ICBC open mobile phone bank from brewing, design, testing, production and development experience, has experienced a relatively long process. Over a year of time, the product after 6 rounds of the customer experience, the development of the 39 trading models, 200 prototype map...