新关注 > 信息聚合 > 迈阿密赛四强H2H:小德已取三连胜 穆雷落后伯蒂奇

迈阿密赛四强H2H:小德已取三连胜 穆雷落后伯蒂奇

Miami semi-finals H2H: druid has taken three straight behind Berdych Murray

2015-04-03 10:58:03来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 北京时间4月3日消息 2015年迈阿密大师赛男单四强全部产生,上半区德约科维奇和伊斯内尔继印第安维尔斯之后再度交手,在过往交手记录上小德以6-2领先。下半区中,穆雷将和伯蒂奇上演第12次...

Ticker News April 3, 2015 Miami Masters men's singles semi-finals of all produce, and the upper half Djokovic Isner Indian Wells after fight again, in the past on the record against druid 6-2 lead. The bottom half, Murray and Berdych will be staged 12th ...