新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网上叫卖春晚门票 最好位置开价23万

网上叫卖春晚门票 最好位置开价23万

Spring Festival Gala tickets online selling best position for 230000

2015-02-10 14:40:37来源: 东北网

原标题:网上叫卖春晚门票开价23万 网友发微博称有女歌唱家卖春晚门票 记者与“女歌唱家”的微信谈话记录 导读:日前,一位女子自称江西歌唱家,在微信朋友圈中发出消息,兜售春晚直播和彩排门票...

original title: online selling Gala tickets for 230000 users send micro-blog said WeChat record review singer selling Gala tickets reporter with the "singer": a few days ago, a woman claiming to be Jiangxi singer, a message in the WeChat circle of friends, the show live and rehearsal tickets selling...